Residency at Telocvicna in Bratislava

2024-ConCuerposNL-Bratislava-Oleksandra Sherina97

During the summer of 2024, we took a beautiful step with ConCuerpos NL during a residency at @telocvicna_rezidencne.centrum in Bratislava, where I deepened the exploration of the intersection between Sign Language and choreography, collaboration with the incredible dancers.

Every day in the studio was filled with hard work and creativity, while every night brought laughter and joy. The highlight? A work-in-progress presentation, where we received valuable feedback from the local deaf community.

This journey is far from over. We’re all deeply committed to continuing this work and ensuring that dance and art remain inclusive and accessible for everyone.

Choreographer: Laisvie Ochoa

Dancers: Anneloes van Schuppen @anneloesvanschuppen and Dennis Massar @dennismassar

PH: Oleksandra Sherina @sherhina.jpg

Etiquetas: Sin etiquetas

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